Science and Engineering Fair

Science Fair 2024-2025 : 
All students, KG - 5th Grade, are invited to register

Register here: 
Science Fair Student Information and Interest Form


Barksdale Elementary Science and Engineering Fair is an opportunity for young scientists to demonstrate their interest and skills in scientific investigation with homemade models or presentations. Students get a chance to learn and apply the scientific method. Our goal is simply to encourage scientific exploration and discovery and promote a deep lifelong passion for science.


Registration opens: November 2nd

Deadline of submission of Entries: January 13th

Judging of Projects/ Campus Fair: January 14th


When the Interest Form is submitted, you will receive an electronic copy of the Science and Engineering Fair Student Handbook from the campus fair chairperson. This book has specific information about rules governing the judging of projects.


The grand prize winners will progress to represent our school at the Elementary Regional Science fair at the Curtis Culwell Center in Garland on February 10-11, 2025.  

Science Fair is part of Barksdale Elementary's Triathlon Program. If a child participates in the following three programs during the school year - Reflections, Science Fair, and Bronco Press - a Triathlon Trophy will be awarded at the end of the year! 


contact Science Fair Coordinator
















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