Other Programs

Plano Academic and Creative Education (PACE)

This is a school-based program. If you want information about PACE, please contact Laurie Kane or visit PISD’s PACE page.


Barksdale Broncos in Training (BIT) is our morning jogging club that meets on Monday and Wednesday at 7:15am. BIT members meet on jogging course on the north side of the school. Fill out the online form here: https://forms.gle/98phWDpCW49AVcdr9

We have a REMIND account where updates are given if weather is questionable for us to go outside or other announcements need to be made. This is the best way to get immediate information. If you would like to receive reminders, please use https://www.remind.com/join/joggingclu or text 81010 and use the message @joggingclu (no “b” on the end) to be added to the text messages.

If you have any questions, please contact Coach Kool at cheryl.kool@pisd.edu

Marathon Kids

Marathon Kids is completely free and loaded with lots of incentives along the way. The students can begin logging their miles this week by walking, jogging or running 26.2 miles in small increments. Miles can be completed at home or at school. Jogging club members can even count their morning miles. Please remember that all mileage must be done on foot.

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Stay up-to-date on important school and PTA events by clicking here to subscribe to Barksdale calendars. These will automatically sync events to your personal calendar on your mobile device or computer.

PISD Calendar

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    Download the Remind app (iOS and Android only) to get notified of PTA activities. After downloading the app, text @barkspta to 810-10 to get you added to the Barksdale PTA Remind group.


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