Get Involved

Barksdale families are very involved with our school and their involvement is an integral part of the success of our school.  By showing support in the school, parents demonstrate to their students and all the students how important their impact is. What can we do together as a team?

  1. Join

    Strength through numbers. We invite ALL parents to join the Barksdale PTA this year. The #1 reason for joining the PTA is to support your school and your student. Visit your PTA Account (Left hand menu bar) to find out more about joining the PTA and the benefits your children receive through your membership.
  2. Volunteer

    Our PTA offers many opportunities for parents to lend support to the students and staff at Barksdale. Click here to find out more about the volunteer opportunities available at our school. We have opportunities to fit the amount of time you have to give no matter how small!
  3. Contribute

    Your PTA donations and volunteer activities support programs that enhance the educational experience for students and provide needed support for Barksdale teachers, staff, and the campus. Click here to visit our Fundraising page to find out about the many ways we raise additional funds for our school. Can you clip Box Tops for Education? Find out more about that and other creative ways we are funding activities on our campus!


Make a difference by contacting our representatives in Austin and Washington when educational issues are being discussed.  It is our goal to keep you informed about current issues going on in government that will affect our students.  Visit our Legislative Resources area for the most current information and stay informed!

Join the PTA


Upcoming Events

Stay up-to-date on important school and PTA events by clicking here to subscribe to Barksdale calendars. These will automatically sync events to your personal calendar on your mobile device or computer.

PISD Calendar

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Follow Us

    Download the Remind app (iOS and Android only) to get notified of PTA activities. After downloading the app, text @barkspta to 810-10 to get you added to the Barksdale PTA Remind group.


Click the icons to follow us on Facebook and Instagram for updates, reminders and happenings at Barksdale.

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