Bronco Press    

Bronco Press is a wonderful, optional opportunity for Barksdale students to showcase their writing talents by publishing a book.

The Bronco Press is open to all students in Kindergarten through 5th Grade. 

The book your child writes and turns in to be published should represent your child’s personal best, age-appropriate writing.  The illustrations included in the book should be quality, grade-appropriate work demonstrating effort.

Interested students should turn in their typed, printed, and illustrated work to their classroom teacher by Tuesday, April 9th.

The Barksdale PTA will then bind the books for the students. All student authors will present their bound books to their peers in their classrooms. What a wonderful treasure and keepsake!



Bronco Press is part of Barksdale Elementary's Triathlon Program. If a child participates in the following three programs during the school year - Reflections, Science Fair, and Bronco Press - a Triathlon Trophy will be awarded at the end of the year! 


 For more information, contact:

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