Ready to Volunteer?

Volunteers can now access the Plano ISD volunteer management system, VOLY, to create an account and complete an application, online orientation and criminal history check. These items need to be completed by volunteers each school year to be eligible for district/school volunteer opportunities.

Please visit to create a volunteer account and begin this process. If you created an account last school year, you will use that same log in to access your account to complete this year’s application, orientation and background check.

An email will be sent to the volunteer applicant communicating the status of their application and criminal history search within 3-5 business days of completing these steps. Volunteer approval status can also be viewed by the volunteer by logging into their account. Volunteers will need to complete the online orientation as well to be eligible to volunteer. 

Once approved, they will be able to sign up for volunteer opportunities directly through the VOLY platform at

Volunteers should be sure to select all of the schools they are interested in volunteering with when asked on their application. This will allow campuses to see their volunteers and their status in the system. These school selections can also be changed by the volunteer by logging into their account at any time.

For more details on the volunteer approval process, please visit

Thank you for your interest in volunteering in Plano ISD. 

Need Assistance?

  • For technical assistance, such as password retrieval and issues with your account, please visit
  • For questions about the background check process, please contact the Plano ISD Safety & Security Department at
  • For questions about volunteering at a specific campus, please contact that campus directly: Campus Directory.
  • For general questions in regard to the Plano ISD volunteer program, please email

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Volunteer Opportunities

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We Appreciate You

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School Fundraiser

Celebrate your child's birthday and support Barksdale at the same time! For $20, your child can have their name on the Barksdale marquee on their birthday for all the world to see!

Click HERE for details, then submit payment HERE.

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